December 19, 2006

Curious George the Nostalgic Audiophile. A simple, yet not-so-simple question: What three albums changed your life? more inside

December 18, 2006

The Clapper improved? That's impossible! The Clapper has now joined the 21st century with the all new Clapper Plus -- a remote controlled Clapper system that makes using and turning off your appliances even easier than clapping your hands! more inside

December 15, 2006

Ben's, 1908 - 2006. Ben's Deli in Montreal is no more. One of the giants for smoked meat sandwiches along with (the better) Schwartz's and The Main, Ben's fell victim to the first strike in its history, where workers of 20, 30 and one of even 52 years' service were trying to get a forty-cent raise over just above Minimum. more inside

December 14, 2006

The strange story of Myriam Bédard. An arrest warrant has been issued for the former Olympian, alleging she has abducted her own daughter during a trip to the U.S. to defend her partner against allegations of stealing art by Ghitta Caiserman. more inside

December 13, 2006

Peter Boyle dead at 71. Oddly, his lengthy career is overshadowed by Everybody Loves Raymond. So much so that the obit doesn't even mention the funniest bit ever put on film:the "Puttin' on the Ritz" scene.

December 12, 2006

Calice d'hostie! F-bomb OK on Quebec TV, but just you try "saint-ciboire"...

December 08, 2006

Gifts to keep on giving. The ever-informative sex columnist (and all-round bon vivant) Sasha Van Bon Bon presents her guide to Christmas giving. Toys, graphic novels, and charitable gifts to the Stephen Lewis Foundation. [Prolly NSFW][Not the Stephen Lewis Foundation, the other stuff.]

December 06, 2006

New Poet Laureate for Canada. John Steffler fills the post.

December 04, 2006

Military jams garage doors in quest for national security. A U.S. Air Force signal from Cheyenne Mountain renders automatic garage doors inoperable. Owners left to open doors manually like some godless Communist.

November 30, 2006

Yukon meteorite contains conditions for supporting life. Unlike the rest of the Yukon. [Original finding-story here, with itsy-bitsy video.]

November 29, 2006

Knowing me, knowing you... After years with only these guys to keep the faith, ABBA is set to open a museum in Stockholm. Australians -- book your flights now! [Flash-type links.][Keep exhibits away from open flame.]

November 27, 2006

Maud Fontenoy, tough cookie. After rowing across the Atlantic solo, and then the Pacific last year, Maud is now doing something a little more 'sensible', by by putting down the oars and sailing around the world solo, southern hemisphere, against the prevailing winds. She's having regular contact every day with visitors to the Musee de la Marine in Paris, if you feel like having a chat before she rounds the Horn.

November 13, 2006

Good day, Mr. Kubrick... Meet Brian Atene, a remarkably self-assured young man auditioning for Full Metal Jacket. Fast forward a couple decades, and meet him again, if it is indeed him. [YouTubey, Wiki goodness] more inside

November 09, 2006

Text-speak on exams. Scottish authorities OK answers written in text, 'as long as the basic idea is expressed.' Examiners in New Zealand may or may not, depending. Researchers at Coventry University say texting actually improves spelling skills. more inside

November 03, 2006

GoodNewsFilter: Rescued Horses. 100 Dutch horses trapped by flooding outside the dikes around Marrum in Friesland have been rescued by GranMa-type heroes. Horsies happy now.

November 02, 2006

Where'd go my Lego? I don't want to alarm anyone, nor start off some kind of panic -- but -- perhaps you should be sitting down. OK. Breathe deeply. You good? Allright, then. There may not be enough Lego for Christmas this year...

October 27, 2006

Curious George wants to play house. Idly thinking about Jan Smithers yesterday, I got to wondering: who was your childhood / pre-adolescent celebrity crush? Who did you want to play house with? Play doctor with? Cuddle up with and have them all for your very own? more inside

October 23, 2006

Rendez-vous des singes. Roryk and I are having a monkey meetup somewhere in Paris, on Monday, November 20th. Sometime after 18h00. Please consider this your open invitation to join us, and/or suggest where we could go to stop our blood-alcohol levels from becoming dangerously low. more inside

October 20, 2006

Libraries as pr0n for book-lovers. I imagine some of these libraries feature urinals... Ooh, yeah baby, show it to me, baby, show it all to me. You know what Daddy likes.

October 19, 2006

U.S. school bans tag fearing lawsuits. T.O. school banned talking during lunch.
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